As we began our journey in the parlance of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) 15 years back, the Ernesto “Asay” Yu Foundation has been instrumental in developing the culture of giving that helps enrich our company’s image and improves the quality of life for people and families we partnered with.

Focusing on our Vision, Mission and Goals and true to our Tagline of “Committed to Help”, we are consistent in pursuing it no matter how big the challenges we are facing. As we grow and made a lot of changes, met challenges, capitalized opportunities that surfaced and as we learn from our partners about what’s working and what isn’t, we have always looking it back and evaluate how our CSR can be more effective and to find solutions for some of our most pressing issues. I believe that Corporate Social Responsibility has helped shape company’s image and be more aggressive in pursuing its VMG in addressing some of the complex challenges and problems of our society like the lack of opportunities for education, malnutrition, environment and health in the coming years

In 2023, we have been proud to work with our employee volunteers and partners, nonprofits and community members to help us implement our programs and projects. It was also in this year where we got a prestigious award from DSWD FO7 as best NGO in the region during its 72nd Anniversary celebration.

We also need to give honor and recognition to our employee volunteers and benefactors who made great contributions for the success of our endeavor. The spirit of volunteerism is about people helping people for the greater good of all, and that spirit is alive and well across our company.

My heartfelt gratitude to the foundation staff who all bring their skills and ideas to the team thus creating a very positive impact. Together we push our limits to promote progress and continuous improvement. I feel honored to continuously spur ideas for development of this foundation. Lastly, I would like to thank the Board of Trustees and benefactors for the guidance, support and inspiration.


Chief Operating Officer

My Life as a Student with EAYF

Anna Mae Ybanez

College life defines real struggles and challenges in students’ lives. At first, I was excited to start the journey as a college student. At the middle of it, I almost gave up to the point that I would stop studying. I found it really hard to achieve where I realized that setting foot on this road was dangerous. Especially, when pandemic strikes. I really wanted to work that time in order to help my Mama and Papa on financial problems, but they didn’t let me. Instead, I sell salvaro every Sunday and had my monthly allowances from EAYF to accommodate with my school expenses and miscellaneous. Two years ago, my Mama passed away and it really broke our hearts, especially me. I experienced stress, anxiety and depression because I kept thinking if I can go on with my studies. I wasn’t able to submit my modules on time and got lower grades. Honestly, I’m on the state of giving up on my life because she was really my inspiration on taking this major. As time goes by, I realized I still have my Papa and Lord God who still supports and be with my journey. Afterwards, he gave me the strength that I needed to pursue my favorite course. Now, I dedicate this life and journey to my Papa and to our Lord God who’re always there for me, for us.

Ernesto Asay “Yu” Foundation (EAYF) plays a big role on my studies and life. Without the foundation, I won’t be able to stand where I am today. EAYF helped me boost my self-confidence, had me experienced speak for youth and taught me to be a responsible student and individual. Also, they helped me survive on my student life from Grade 7 until 4th year of College with financial support, advises and love. I really hope to stay on the foundation, but I must pursue my passion and love for teaching. I will never forget how EAYF built me as a good student from my deepest negative to the highest positive of myself. Thank you so much for everything, especially, to the YU Family, Board of the Directors, Sir Wilfredo Bayking, Sir God Joseph Donan, Miss Jerah Ceniza, Miss Lady Mae, Miss Kathleen and our Dear Lord God for being part of my life. He purposely led me to you all. Thank you so much and I’m gonna miss you.

Stephanie A. Aliponga

I have learned that education is not always easy, especially during the college years when I had many challenges, difficulties, and reasons to quit. With the support of my loved ones and those people who believed in me, I was still able to succeed. I truly understand, even though my family is unable to financially support me. Since I’m the eldest and I want to support them especially my mama,who worked so hard to support our family, they continue to be the reason I want to accomplish my goal. My greatest source of inspiration to keep going and succeed has come from her dedication and sacrifices. I was able to finish my studies because of the scholarship, which lessened my financial burden. I am very thankful for all the inspiration and support that have come my way, and I’m determined to use my education to return the favor by helping others in the same way.

To my EAYF scholarship, I am deeply grateful for the unweaving support and encouragement that you have given to me from high school to college. Thank you so much because I can now achieve my dream to help other people who also need assistance. You have really a great impact on my life because without you, I think I am not what I am today.